JQuary Include Hack
This post will show a very intresting hack that you can do with JQuary. This can be useful when you want to include html files inside your webpage. What is Include Include is a hidden tag that does not exsit inside of HTML. It mostly is on some popular languages like PHP, Jekyll, EJS, and many more. This however is mostly not a HTML element. If it was a element, the tag would look like this:...
Arch Linux install
In this post, I will show you how to install Arch Linux on a machine! Installing it is very different from what we are used to installing linux today. We are going use a virtual machine for this tutorial. Introduction Arch Linux is a lightweight, and a free and open-source Linux distro that gives you immense customizability and control over your machine. The x86-64 centric Linux distro adheres to the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid)....
Test post
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Header 4 Header 5 Header 6 Paragraph basic Side text Bolded text Strikeonly code block Super code block! A computer A server Code and site First write Then commit Finaly see changes A quote once said three Two One four five six Example link console.log('Hi'); console.log('There'); <h1>Hi</h1> <p>Me</p>